Friday, August 3, 2012

QSR and NVivo 10 in Boston

I am having a wonderful time in the QSR NVivo 10 workshop in Boston.  It is being taught by two of my favorite people:  Cindi Jacobs--Director of Training for the Americas; and Stuart Robertson, Training Specialist.  Need I say, they are also UMass-Lowell Graduate School of Education Ed.D. graduates.  They are such excellent teachers. 

They have a tough audience here--1/2 newbies and 1/2 of us are very experienced wanting to see the new software from a training perspective--but leave it to them to integrate us together in a way that makes sense. 

It's exciting to meet people who are new and excited about the possibilities of using qualitative research with these sophisticated tools.  However, the opportunity to be with 'my tribe' of old/new friends are are NVivo afficionados is so exciting.  We are whispering behind our hands, grabbing each other at lunch, and generally geeking out about techie questions and ideas. 

The NVivo 10 possibilities for using social media data are very significant.  I am looking forward to working with projects that would find this kind of data useful. 

Looking forward to another great day. 

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