Friday, August 26, 2016

Thanks to QSR NVivo: Love that Survey Import Wizard!

Wonderful Morning!!  I spent from 9-11 am in the company of the delightful Noelle Wyman, QSR trainer, and several other UMass Lowell colleagues learning about the new Survey Import Wizard NVivo has developed.  I love it! 

We were a mixed group--some people with NVivo experience and some with none; some people with qualitative research experience and some with very little.  Noelle was able to make everyone feel comfortable no matter what the level and kind of experience. 

This new addition to NVivo 11 makes it so easy to bring survey data into NVivo.  There is good integration with Qualtrics and Survey Monkey, but regardless of the survey tool, if the data is in spread sheet form--it is good to go. 

Using the Survey Wizard, the data comes in and Cases and attributes are magically created, as well as nodes are made for the open-ended data.  I will be looking for unsuspecting survey researchers on campus this fall who would like to try this out. 

Thank you too to Chris Danforth from QSR, sales representative for the Eastern United States, who also joined the group. 

Having QSR North America around the corner in Burlington, Massachusetts has been great for those of us at UMass Lowell who make use of this tool.  We appreciate having this expertise in our own back yard. 

1 comment:

Agus said...

New NVivo 12 Full Version
New Update Link Download NVivo 12 Full Version