Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Discerment continued...

I have continued to think about discernment.  The good thing about a blog is that allows such conversations to continue within and beyond you.  It draws you back to the big idea that is so important to you.  Hence the pensive animal to the right.  Don't you love that fleece!

After the last post on discernment, I began to think about the critical importance of BOUNDARIES to the notion of discernment.  The process of discernment is about the determination and reshaping of boundaries.  Discernment is about the most elemental process of confuration. 

To determine a boundary you must become aware of its size, shape, thickness, and durability.  You must understand what it contains and what is outside of it.  Whether an individual or an organization, in discernment you must develop a sense of inside and outside.

Discernment is also about nourishment, and systems of nourishment--the heating, cooling, plumbing of any organism.  What does it ingest and why?   Where does the nourishment come from?  How does it enter the boundary? If I change the boundaries, what will I eat?  Where will it come from?  Will I like the taste? 

Discernment, then, as this bodily reconfiguration is about the fundamentals of time and space:  the mind-body and the body-mind. Past, present, and future drive discernment.  Abnormalities or injury to the perception of time and space wreck havoc with the ability to discern.  Note:  When Post Traumatic Stress erupts--the past and the present have merged to erase the present.  Note:  Persistent fantasy allows the future to eclipse the present. 

Basic questions abound:  Who am I?  Where do I end and where do I begin? 

Questions of process are critically important:  How did I establish these boundaries?  How have I stabilized them in the past?  If they are reconstituted, will the same processes work? 

Thus, the Journal Project proceeds...

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